
Debbie Duncan Legacy Fund

Guidelines and application now available

It is incredibly difficult to express the depth of our community’s loss with Debbie Duncan’s passing. As an artist and collaborator of the highest quality, an enthusiastic supporter of other musicians, and as a friend, Debbie touched tens of thousands of us over her nearly 40 years in the Twin Cities.

Over those years, she became one of the most widely loved artists in our community. Her world-class vocal talents were matched by the depth of her down-to-earth humility, her humanity, and the generosity of her spirit.

Debbie’s Fund began as a GoFundMe effort to raise money to cover her expenses after she suffered three strokes in the fall of 2020.  After she passed away, we felt that giving something back to the community would honor and reflect her soulful spirit.

As we work our way through this devastating pandemic that has affected so many in our community, this fund will provide easily accessible micro-grants to help musicians who have an acute financial need. These will be low barrier grants initially intended to offer some immediate help for musicians affected by COVID-19.  Over time, we hope this would evolve into an ongoing legacy that reflects and honors the incredible generosity that Debbie exuded to everyone in her orbit.

The grant criteria and application form can be found HERE >>

If you would like to make a direct contribution to the fund, tax-deductible donations in Debbie’s memory can be made at  https://mixedblood.com/product/debbieduncan/

or sent to
The Debbie Duncan Legacy Fund
c/o Mixed Blood Theater
1501 South 4th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55454


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